Mandala Consulting

Case Study

In today's digital landscape, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to establish credibility, showcase their expertise, and connect with potential clients. For Mandala Consulting, a leading strategic consulting firm, I had the opportunity to design and develop a comprehensive website that serves as a powerful marketing tool and a hub for their valuable insights and services.

Built on the cutting-edge Next.js framework and leveraging the scalability of AWS and Docker, the Mandala Consulting website offers a seamless and engaging user experience. Key features include:

  • Mandala Insights: A dedicated section showcasing the firm's latest analysis, commentary, and perspectives on critical policy and regulatory issues. Visitors can access valuable publications directly to their email, ensuring they stay informed and ahead of the curve.
  • Mandala Updates: This dynamic section highlights the firm's past events and activities, complete with an immersive gallery display, fostering transparency and showcasing the impact Mandala Consulting creates.
  • Case Studies: A robust portfolio of successful case studies, demonstrating the firm's strategic expertise and advocacy prowess across various industries. These real-world examples illustrate the tailored solutions and effective stakeholder engagement strategies employed by Mandala Consulting.
  • Our People and Our Services: Dedicated pages that provide insights into the firm's talented team and the comprehensive range of services offered, including strategic studies, advocacy, and stakeholder engagement.


Next.js, AWS, Docker



Mandala Consulting